Are you thinking about adopting a pet? That’s music to our ears! You’ve probably heard that adopting a pet is highly rewarding – and as avid supporters of WOOF Project and Woodrock Animal Rescue, we couldn’t agree more. If you’re still on the fence, here are a few more reasons why adopting a pet is a great idea:

#1 You’ll Be Saving More Than One Life

Many people who have adopted animals claim that rescues make the best pets because they are so grateful to their humans for being saved.


Adopting an animal not only saves their life, but also helps shelters make room for other stray animals that need a safe place. Plus, part of that adoption fee goes towards helping the shelter stay afloat. So, by adopting an animal, you’re helping that shelter take care of the other animals there!

#2 You’ll Get A Great Pet That Suits Your Lifestyle

Did you know that a large number of shelter pets are surrenders? Whether it’s due to immigration, financial problems, a move or something else, these pets are there through no fault of their own. Many of these animals are already friendly lap-buddies who are used to living with a family. 

When rescue organisations home animals they take placements very seriously. The process isn’t always a quick one. You may have to fill out a form and allow the shelter to conduct a home check. This serves to ensure the pet is going to a good family and, more importantly, it means they’ll ensure the pet and your lifestyle are a match. 

#3 They Come Already House Trained (Mostly)

While there are plenty of puppies and kittens available, the majority of shelter rescues are slightly older and as a result, usually come house trained! Adopting a more mature shelter pet not only gives them a second chance at life, but it may mean less work for you. Younger pets tend to be more work and high energy – but to each their own. However, if you’re after a puppy or kitten that you can adopt from a very young age, at the very least, you won’t have to start potty training them from scratch. 

#4 They’re Probably Spayed & Vaccinated

If they’re old enough, rescue animals are usually spayed and vaccinated once adopted – this will all be covered by your adoption fee. Many organisations get cheaper rates for these procedures, so, in the long run, you’re also saving money!

#5 You’re Taking A Stand Against Puppy Mills & The Like

By opting to adopt a pet, you’re taking a stand against puppy mills and the feline equivalent  – which unfortunately are more common than we pet lovers like to think. Apart from the shocking conditions under which they are forced to live, animals from these overbred environments are often sick and can have behavioural issues. 

#6 You Won’t Get Any Surprises 

Reputable shelters are serious about homing these animals, so they’ll have information on your pet of preference such as their health, history, temperament, likes, dislikes and more. This means that you don’t need to worry about genetic problems that often arise from bad breeding. The only surprise you’ll probably get is how quickly you’ll fall in love with them! 

#8 Pets Are Good For Your Health

Apart from all the cuteness and snuggles they offer, according to studies, having a pet can benefit you psychologically, emotionally and physically. Caring for a pet can also help those who feel lonely and provide a sense of purpose in a person’s life. 

#9 You’re Getting A BFF

That’s right. We said it. BFF. As in a Best Furry Friend!

Adopting a pet today? Get all your pet care essentials for dogs, cats, birds and small animals, right here!